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WIAW: Cleaning Up My Eats


In the beginning of the month, I stepped on the scale and was terribly shocked by the number staring back at me. Honestly, I shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was. Winter was filled with comfort foods and booze. Pretty much, the two things guaranteed to make me pack on the pounds.

Also, I was relating a bit too much to this photo …
It’s true. My sweet tooth was getting out of control. Sweets after all the meals and as snacks and all day erryday.

I decided that I had have enough. Clearly, something needed to change. And the easiest thing to change was what I shovel into my mouth.

So, today’s What I Ate Wednesday is all about the foods I’ve been cleaning up my diet with over the past few weeks. As always, thank you Jen for hosting.


Breakfast has been some variation of eggs. I prefer to have something warm for breakfast and eggs are so easy to make. On Sunday’s, I’ve been making a frittata that I portion out all week. The ingredients change based on what I buy but that’s the beautiful thing about frittatas.


Oh my gosh the lunch pictured above is so good. I made my own version of Chipotle and it did not disappoint. Cilantro lime rice, chicken, and salsa. My tummy was very happy. Again, I made enough to portion out for the entire week.

Not pictured – veggies on the side.


I’ve been mixing up my dinners since my food during the day has been repetitive. We’ve been eating fish, brown rice and turkey Italian stuffed red peppers, sauteed chicken, etc etc. I also haven’t been taking as many pictures of my dinners, weird. Anyway, I love salad and always have. It’s such an easy way to eat veggies so I typically add it to just about every dinner as a side dish. I’ve also been steering away from creamy dressings depending on what else I’ve eaten that day.

Mainly fruits and veggies. I don’t typically photograph them because there are tons of apple pics on Instagram.

You’ve probably noticed, it’s been really simple foods over here for the past few weeks. In the spirit of honesty, I also did a cleanse over the past few weeks which caused me to stick to cleaner eating. I also eliminated soda from my daily diet (exception: it’s fine as a mixer with alcohol – but minus one measly little drank on the 15th, I haven’t had any booze or soda) and I said goodbye to candy. My love for reeses peanut butter cups was getting a bit out of control.

With all these changes over the past few weeks, I feel great. My stomach doesn’t feel puffy, I’m not as sleepy during the day, my skin looks clearer and I’ve dropped a little weight. I can see why people stick to this clean eating thing.
What is your favorite healthy snack? 

Totally off topic to today’s post but whatever :) – What are you doing this weekend? 

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